Lamb Of God – Hourglass | GUITAR COVER

We’re back, baby! Well, kinda. It’s been a hot minute, to say the least, and things are still very much in disarray as I figure out the new studio arrangements. I will do some Vlog post thingy soon to go over the last 6 months of chaos. There’s been lots of moving, drama, and obstacles to overcome, but I felt really bad letting this channel stagnate for half a year. So I whipped up a… Continue reading

Foo Fighters – Walk | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’ve looped around to yet another Friday, so it’s time to rip through another song. And today we’re doing something a bit more on the popular side of things. Just a little tune by the name of Walk, by that rather well known group, Foo Fighters. I know, I know. It’s not some relatively obscure melodic death metal tune with blistering solos and interwoven melodies. Sometimes my hands need a break. Sue me.… Continue reading

Queens Of The Stone Age – Smooth Sailing | GUITAR COVER

 Hey everyone! We’ve made our way to the end of yet another week, so as always it’s time to rip through another cover. This time we’re doing something a little groovier than normal, a little song called Smooth Sailing by Queens Of The Stone Age. I thought it would be fun to do something a little different compared to our regular foray into metal. Even though it’s not a very difficult tune to play,… Continue reading

Justin Strode – A Sky Eternal | GUITAR PLAYTHROUGH

 Hey everyone! I’m still a little sore from the Death To All concert last week, so we’re keeping things a little simpler this week. The show was bloody awesome, full of amazing people moshing and paying tribute to Chuck in the best of ways. Being able to gather in such a way to pay respects to an amazing musician who had passed so long ago, well before many of us had even discovered him,… Continue reading

Tool – The Grudge | GUITAR and BASS COVER

Hey everyone! We’re hanging out at Okzygen on the start of another excellent weekend, and I had a bit of a craving for some Tool. It’s also been a bit since I’ve done something on the bass, so we’re gonna be pulling double duty with both guitar and bass parts. Today we’re ripping through The Grudge, the opening track from their album Lateralus. For many reasons I can’t do the drum parts in the studio… Continue reading

Kalmah – Hades | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re hanging out at Okzygen Studios again, ripping through another cover of the melodic death metal variety. This time we’re doing a bit of a deep dive into some lesser-known Finnish stuff, a little tune called Hades from a group by the name of Kalmah! I don’t know what it is, but those Nordic countries have a certain affinity for the crazy melodic extremely heavy shreddy stuff. Must have something to do with… Continue reading

Lamb Of God – Insurrection | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone. I’m gonna keep this short today. Like straight up copy and paste most of the text from the YouTube description kind of short. Been dealing with some personal stuff. If you know, you know. We’re ripping through another Lamb Of God cover today, this time it’s Insurrection off their 2012 album Resolution. I have to say, out of all the albums that I’ve given the chance to listen to, this one has quite… Continue reading

Vicarious – Tool | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! It’s been a pretty hectic few weeks in the studio trying to wrap up the recording for this years RPM Project. Currently there’s 7 songs almost fully recorded, with just a couple little extra bits to add before we get to the mixing stage. That being said, I’ve been craving another Tool cover lately, and I figured it would be a good reason to take a short break from all the RPM stuff… Continue reading

Justin Strode – Sky Charmer | GUITAR PLAYTHROUGH

Hey everyone! We’re kicking it at Okzygen as always, in the midst of this years RPM Project. It’s still a bit early to tell how things are going, but songs are getting written, ideas are getting trashed, strings be vibrating (possibly in more dimensions than we can comprehend), and at the very least, noise is being created. Even though we’re elbow deep in the creation of this weird, thing, we can’t just not have a… Continue reading

Cannibal Corpse – Hammer Smashed Face | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’ve been doing lots of the metal stuff these last few weeks. And this week is no exception. In fact, we’re doubling down on the extremes and going full blown Cannibal Corpse with their tune Hammer Smashed Face! A song I’ve wanted to learn for ages but just never really got around to it. It’s one of those songs I don’t see myself ever playing live or even jamming with a group, so… Continue reading