Mastodon – Oblivion | GUITAR COVER

 Hey everyone! We’re here as always, hanging out in the studio with the weekend bearing down upon us once again. Lately I’ve been feeling a bit of a craving, a desire to mess around with some Drop-C riffage. So a few days ago we drop-tuned the Beast and almost immediately some fantastically heavy riffs began to pour out. At the same time I realized the door was now opened up to a plethora of… Continue reading

Children Of Bodom – Bed Of Razors | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re hanging out in the studio as always, whipping up some more covers and whatnot. Today we’ve got another Children Of Bodom tune to rip through, a little something called Bed Of Razors. Now I covered this song once years ago, way before the channel reboot. I actually took a peek at the original cover video the other day, just to kind of see how far things have come since then. And holy… Continue reading

Death – The Philosopher | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re hanging out at Okzygen celebrating the anniversary of a fantastic Death album, Individual Thought Patterns! Released back on June 22, 1993, this album was the only one to unite both Gene Hoglan and Steve DiGiorgio for a rhythm section, a duo that quite frankly cannot be beaten. In fact I’m still blown away from their performance last month during the Death To All show. So in honour of this anniversary we’ll be… Continue reading

Death – Scavenger Of Human Sorrow | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’ve wrapped around another week and ended up here on yet another Friday, but things are a little bit different today. It’s a bit related to today’s video actually, as later tonight I’ll be in the middle of a mosh pit thrashing around to Death To All, without a doubt the best Death tribute band around, as they rip through their album The Sound Of Perseverance in its entirety! So in honour of… Continue reading

Children Of Bodom – Smile Pretty For The Devil | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! It’s Friday once more, and as always we’re chilling in the studio working away at stuff. It’s been a few months since we’ve tackled a Children Of Bodom song, so today we’re gonna be ripping through their tune Smile Pretty For The Devil, off their Blooddrunk album. Believe it or not, this was actually the first album of theirs I purchased back in the day. Of course I had heard of Bodom a… Continue reading

Mastodon – Blood and Thunder | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re hanging out in the studio as always, working away at a number of projects between re-configuring the live room and planning videos for the next few months. I figured it’s been a while since we last did something by Mastodon, so let’s jump back into their album Leviathan and jam through the opening track, Blood and Thunder! Honestly, there’s not much to say about this video. Just some good old fashioned metal… Continue reading

Death – Empty Words | GUITAR COVER

 Hey everyone! We’re hanging out once again at Okzygen, planning out the next few months of videos and various studio activities. Been plotting away at some redesigns for the live room, different covers to tackle, originals to write and do videos for, doing all that jazz when it occurred to me that I have yet to do a Death cover this year. So today we’re gonna be ripping through one of my favourite tunes… Continue reading

Death – Flesh And The Power It Holds | GUITAR COVER

 Hey everyone! We’ve made it to the end of 2023 relatively unscathed, and to celebrate we’re gonna be ripping through another Death cover! This time it’s the song Flesh And The Power It Holds, off their final album The Sound Of Perseverance. Now, this video was a little rushed this week so we’re focusing on a single guitar play-through for this video. Blame the holidays and the day job. And because this is a… Continue reading

Children Of Bodom – Silent Night, Bodom Night | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! Hope you’re ready for just a flurry of notes today, because we’re ripping through some classic Children Of Bodom with their tune Silent Night, Bodom Night. This weeks choice may have been influenced by the release of their final live album of their final live show that came out the last couple of weeks, and if you haven’t listened to it yet I would highly recommend it. I haven’t been able to listen… Continue reading

Children Of Bodom – Triple Corpse Hammerblow | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re back at Okzygen again with another cover of some fantastic melodic death metal! That’s right, we’re ripping through some more Children Of Bodom with their song Triple Corpse Hammerblow, taken off their 2003 album Hate Crew Deathroll. I figured it was necessary to do a video for something off this album, as we just passed it’s 20th anniversary of release. This was also one of the albums that really got me into… Continue reading