Dream Theater – Panic Attack | GUITAR COVER

 Hey everyone! We’re gonna be doing something a little more proggy for the video today, but wanted to do a cover for a band I haven’t touched on this channel yet. So today we’re gonna be ripping through the madness that is Panic Attack by Dream Theater! I’ve always wanted to do a cover of something from John Petrucci, being the mad-lad shredder that he is. I remember discovering him through an old video… Continue reading

Behemoth – Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! I’m sitting here in the studio working through this years RPM project, when it occurred to me that there’s some unused videos kicking around. And today of all days is a great day to drop this little Behemoth cover of Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel! For you see, today marks the 10th anniversary of their 2014 album The Satanist. This album took a bit to really digest, and I remember not being very impressed… Continue reading

In Flames – Artifacts Of The Black Rain | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re back at Okzygen with our weekly video, this time doing some old school melodic death metal. This band was the one that introduced me to the more melodic sides of metal, back when I was still actually taking lessons on guitar and bass. Today, we’re ripping through Artifacts Of The Black Rain by In Flames. Now, the band has definitely changed their sound through the years (and their lineup, considering there are… Continue reading