Tool – Lateralus | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’ve scraped our way to the end of another bloody week (hopefully not literally) and can finally enjoy the weekend! Also it’s a Friday so I need to post another video. But not just any video. No no, this is a cover video. And not just any cover video, but Tool‘s Lateralus. So I hope you’re ready for some recreational math, because this song is chock full of references to the Fibonacci Sequence,… Continue reading

Death – 1000 Eyes | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! Hope you’re ready for some more metal, because we’re diving into another Death tune today! We’re ripping through 1000 Eyes in today’s video, a song that becomes more and more relevant as time goes on. We spend so much of our lives under the scrutinous lenses of social media perpetuating false notions of reality, portraying our concept of the perfect life for strangers to ogle over with mysterious intent. Countless hours are thrown… Continue reading

Dimmu Borgir – The Sacrilegious Scorn | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re getting a little heavy today, with a bit of the old Symphonic Black Metal. That’s right, we’re ripping through some Dimmu Borgir, with their song The Sacrilegious Scorn. This album in particular I believe was my first foray into this band, and it definitely created a core memory so to speak. Hearing such brutal heavy music paired with such melodic orchestration interwoven changed my perception of just what metal could accomplish in… Continue reading

The Mars Volta – Goliath | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! Hope you’re not afraid of ghosts, because we’re jumping right into an album that’s considered haunted by its creators. That’s right, today we’re playing Goliath by The Mars Volta! If you don’t know the full history of this album, I’ll try to break it down quickly here, because it’s a hell of a story that reaches across a couple different groups: Rodriguez-Lopez discovered an old Ouija board looking thing in a curio shop… Continue reading

Turisas – Rasputin | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! Do you like disco? Because we’re doing a weird spin on a disco classic today, with the Turisas version of Rasputin! That’s right, vikings playing metal disco. Just, don’t worry about it, it’s great. Trust me. Now I’ve done a bit more with this cover than just what the guitars are playing in the original recording. Decided to also play some of the violin pieces, added an octave or two to the main… Continue reading