Iron Maiden – Fear Of The Dark | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’ve got a bit of a longer cover tune for ya today, and something that was specially requested by my uncle a couple months ago, during what we will just say were absolutely terrible times. Quite frankly seeing this dude for the first time in years, even through the terrible circumstances, was quite the gift. Getting back to the music, he’s a big fan of this particular band, and it’s not like we’re… Continue reading

Iron Maiden – Run To The Hills | GUITAR COVER

Hey everyone! We’re hanging out in the studio again, and today we’re celebrating the anniversary of a rather special album. It’s been 42 years since The Number Of The Beast by Iron Maiden was  released upon this world, and quite frankly that number seems surreal. To think that this record is ten years older than myself just seems absurd. This album in particular holds a rather special place here, as it was my first real… Continue reading

Iron Maiden – Hallowed Be Thy Name | GUITAR COVER

Hey Everyone! We’re turning the clocks back a bit further than normal today and jamming out to Hallowed Be Thy Name, by Iron Maiden. This group definitely got me started on this guitar journey and this path down the dark side of metal. I remember finding this record among my parents collection and essentially annexing it as my own, spending hours on end flipping this record over and over again while hiding in my room.… Continue reading