Hey everyone! We’re rocking another cover video today, another all time favourite with Crystal Mountain by Death. Decided to run this one for a few reasons, one being because Death is awesome and you should listen to them more, and because next week I’ll be heading to Toronto to see Death To All, a group consisting of various surviving members of the band paying (and playing) tribute to the mastermind behind the group, Chuck Schuldiner. Considering the man passed away before I was even aware of the bands existence, it’ll be an amazing experience to witness the music live from the people who worked closest to him.
I’ve also done something a little different with this video. Instead of just playing over the original track and trying to mix my guitars in as best as possible, I’ve opted to use lalal.ai (a really cool AI engine that specializes in separating instruments from recordings) to remove the guitar tracks from the original. This way I don’t have to worry about my tracks getting buried in the mix, which also gives me enough room to record both guitar parts. The program does still have some of its little quirks and hiccups, but I think the end result speaks for itself. Probably gonna be using this a lot more often moving forward.
Anyways, hope you dig the video! And remember to like and subscribe over at the YouTube channel!