Hey everyone! We’re doing another cover video today, and a long one at that with Right In Two by Tool. This band became a very important part of my musical influence long ago after being introduced to them by my buddy Alex, with masterful control over experimental time signatures, poly-rhythms, atmosphere, and of course the fantastic drumming of Danny Carey. But we’re not drumming today, we’re focusing on Adam Jones and all his little nuances and emotional playing of the guitar.
Admittedly, this is not a technically difficult song. However this was a very tough song to get done in one take with all the little details in the playing, with natural harmonics carrying the melody near the beginning and poly-rhythmic riffs towards the end. I also did add a couple leads in the song that don’t exist in the original recording, because why not, right?
If you dig the video then feel free to drop a comment below, and remember to head over to the YouTube Channel and check out all the other videos I’ve been working on!